Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2nd day, 13th January

Second day! Ah...toned down the formality in my dress. Shirt jeans and sneakers are good enuff.

Came to office, straight to my macbook pro and do my ruby. The whole day was simply spent for progressing and debugging in creating my own web development stuff. Learnt some new stuffs in here. For example, how to build website. All we know about websites are just HTML, CSS, Java. It turned out that there is something deeper than all of those esp. in corporate level.

To create ur own website, first u have to create a web server. Quite a number of utilities can be used but apache is the most common and earliest web server. Once u created ur own web server, u can add html pages. Finally after u have a decent website, u can publish it in the internet. That's the most simplest thing I can tell, there's a lot more details tho. In corporate level where u have to deal with server, clients, databases, products, and such, a database system is needed. MySQL, SQlite3 just to name a few. This database is managed by a certain programming language, namely PHP and ASP for the database and SQL for scripting. I used Ruby on Rails though because this set of language and framework are what suit Mac system the most. Framework is like...the whole set of directory where ur websites usually caches for pages and images.

Knowing all this stuff really stir me up. I hold a big interest about this kind of stuff. Sadly for a first-timer like me, getting to know all these things are not easy. I have to google and wiki every new term to get a grasp of what's going on.

The rest of the day is just like your usual day of work. Routine. Working is about routine...yeah...

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